Vote for philoSophie's - How to find FOCUS at ALT Summit

I am in the running to present at Alt Summit  March 2020 in Palm Springs. 
I attended this past March and presented about philoSophie❤️s®️ during a round table discussion and loved it! I met amazing people I still keep in touch with and some have contributed to FOCUSed philoSophie's.
💡 This year  I'm pitching 2 ideas. 💡
The pitches: How do you find FOCUS?  and philoSophie's at ALT 
50% of the selection process is voting on the pitches.
To vote, please register with your name, email, and a password. You have 10 votes. One vote per pitch.  
To find my pitches please search under - JOANNA , or click links above.
Also, here are a few of my friends to consider.  If you have a pitch you'd like for me to share please email me at and I'll add to this blog post.
Rachel Fasciani  - instagram @sherunsinheels
Genevieve Piturro instagram  @genevievepiturro
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Lots of love,