FOCUSed philoSophie's - If you're ever feeling down, volunteer.
This week's Focused philoSophie's profiles Claudia Burcke. Claudia is a good friend. She's an avid volunteer and a connector. She's always giving her time and talent to various organizations. Her survey answers are insightful and honest.
Claudia Burcke
Occupation: Manager of Business Expansion (Economic Development) for the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce
Instagram: happylittletreesplanner
Hobbies/Activities you'd like to share: I am absolutely passionate about animal welfare and conservation, and would be in a yurt somewhere in Africa if I could be anywhere. Lover of South Africa, elephants and rhino's, Linkin Park, Foo Fighters, Rochester, Dr. Who, bad tv, and great books.
How do you find FOCUS?
Find/Keep the Fun in business: I believe in the mission of my role at the Rochester Chamber. I help connect businesses with the resources they need to grow their businesses and be successful. While I can't help everyone, I really do care about their success and I keep them in mind whenever something comes up. Luckily, I have a pretty good memory, and I keep DETAILED notes. :-) It really doesn't feel like work when I get to do something that I love.
Opportunities/Optimism: We are surrounded by opportunities - I do a lot of volunteer work and some of my favorite causes to support are the Seneca Park Zoo, The Women's Foundation, The Women's Council, Building Minds in South Sudan and many other local organizations. I believe the adage that "rising tides raises all ships," so I love to use my voice for those who don't have one, or feel like theirs isn't heard. If you're ever feeling down, volunteer.
Conifidence: I am 100% confident that I don't know everything and I need to keep learning and growing everyday. I know that I'm not the only one who struggles with confidence (what's too much? what's not enough?). I surround myself with a "personal board of directors," and several mentors so when I need a check in, I can be sure that I'm on the right path. I'm also starting a formal 1:1 coaching program with an executive-level coach who can help me move to the next level.
deal with the Unexpected: I'm always anticipating the unexpected and therefore am rarely surprised (HA!). One of my strengths is mitigating obstacles down the road; I think in big pictures, so the unexpected wont throw me off too much. The best growth comes from unexpected opportunities, so when things go wildly wrong, I love to say "fascinating!" pretend it was planned, and keep moving forward. It's going to happen, accepting that is a good step in being able to deal with it.
Simplify ( workload, life, etc...): I do have short cuts for certain things, I've learned to say "no," and not feel guilty. I've learned to not take on everything because I can't give more than I have. I try to live by "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz each day (1. Be Impeccable with Your Word; 2. Don't Take Anything Personally; 3. Don't Make Assumptions; and 4. Always Do Your Best). They're the simplest of principles, but not as simple to implement. Be gentle with yourself and know you will figure it out.