FOCUSed philoSophie's - Choose Fun!

FOCUSed philoSophie❤️s®️inspired by Edie Fedele this week. This will come as a surprise to Edie b/c she didn’t technically fill out the questionnaire. 🤔 But she is one of my favorite philoSophie❤️s®️ friends & visits the studio often with her beautiful smile and inspiring words. I’m certain she’s verbally shared how she finds FOCUS throughout the years. 


She shared this phrase with me when we were collaborating on a gift idea for her girls' weekend.

Last week, like many, I had the opportunity to take a long weekend for the holiday. I chose fun! And well, fell behind on finishing up the planned FOCUSed philoSophie❤️s. I want to spend the proper time with illustration and idea so I hope you enjoy this week’s inspiration.