Creating an American Flag Peg Board
Hi! If you've been watching my Instagram stories you may have noticed that I've spent the past week in Boston for philoSophie's and the last two days in Cumberland, RI with my best friend from college and her family.
I shared my adventures with Natalia and her boys shopping for paint and project materials to paint an American Flag Peg Board for her son's room. You can watch videos of the process on Instagram stories @shopSophies - be sure to follow too!
Below are the steps we used to paint an American Flag peg board for Natalia’s son Mason who is transitioning his bedroom from Batman to a USA Lacrosse theme.
Creating an American Flag Peg Board
1) Google! Google: 'American Flag Size Calculator’ and use this tool to determine a size that’s easy to create your flag.
We were using a prebuilt 8’ x 4’ peg board gifted to Mason by his grandpa who wanted to mount it to the wall during his visit from Florida last year. ( If you have the time you may want to paint board before mounting onto wall and simply use spray paint and stencils)
2) Enter dimensions of peg wall. We entered our dimensions of 8’ x 4’ and determined the spacing for the stars and stripes.
3) Using painters tape ( not blue duck tape that you may also find in the paint section of Lowe’s -eeks!) mark off your stripes - painting white first.
- to keep costs down we determined purchasing sample sized wall paint was most cost effective at $2.58 - $3.98 per jar at Lowes.
4) Paint white stripes using a roller and apply at least 3 coats. (White Paint: Sherwin-William’s fundamental white)
5) While white paint is drying measure out the area for the blue background for flag and paint blue. ( Blue paint: Sherwin-William’s Narragansett blue)
6) When white stripes are dry cover top and bottom with painter’s tape to easily paint in red stripes. ( Red paint: Sherwin-William’s Magnificent Red)
7) Apply 3 coats of red paint
8) While red paint is drying begin stars. We’re sure there are multiple ways to paint the stars. We chose a wood block close to the dimensions given by the flag calculator and stamped onto wall. Filling in any holes with a paint brush. We found a package of multi-size wooden stars at Joann’s for $4.99 and used a 40% off competitor’s coupon from Michaels.
You may need to apply multiple layers of white paint with sponge or paint brush onto star and press hard into peg board for full coverage. A perfect star was very hard to make but gave a more handcrafted look.
9) As stars are drying remove painter’s tape from white stripes.
10) tighten up any stars or stripes with the hard edge of a foam brush
11) stand back to admire your work before applying peg board hooks
Enjoy and be sure to have fun!
Natalia (Mommy) and Joanna (Auntie)
Total cost not including peg board : $50 ( Natalia has plenty of paint left to use for other small projects in room and also all brushes/rollers are reusable )