Action Cures Everything! - FOCUSed philoSophie's
This week's FOCUSed philoSophie's® is from my longtime friend
Sarah-Elizabeth Pilato
Occupation: Entrepreneur- Independent Sales Director with Mary Kay | Leader | Mentor | Wife | Mom to 3
Instagram: sarahelizabethpilato
Instagram: sarahelizabethpilato

Hobbies/Activities you'd like to share: I love books, coffee, and food! Reading feeds my soul...and so does a great latte and a delicious meal! I always have about 5 books started next to bed - every book is different because at the end of the day- I never know what kind of mood I will be in! Plus readers are leaders, right!?
How do you find FOCUS?
Find/Keep the Fun in business: Celebrate the small wins. Even if you’re working toward a huge goal- celebrate all the small milestones in between. Reward yourself each step of the way- you deserve it! And don’t take yourself too seriously. Business is serious, yes, but life is short, and that’s also serious too! You will be the most successful when you love what you do because enthusiasm is the most powerful tool a business owner can have! ENTHUSIASM! I don’t sell products, I make friends and build relationships, I have fun and laugh, I am authentic and honest and I have FUN when I am working- and that’s contagious
Opportunities/Optimism: In regards to opportunities, as important as is it to know how to say “No” to things like new projects or events, it’s also equally as important to know how to say “yes!” to things too! I always ask myself: Is what I am doing now getting me closer to my ultimate goal? If it is, then great- keep going! If not, stop immediately! And optimism? You are the 5 people you surround yourself with. So if you’re surrounding yourself with people who pour positive energy and optimism into you, then they are the right people. If you are surrounding yourself with people who are draining your energy and filling your cup with negativity, then they are the wrong people. Never take advice from someone who is not, or never has been where you want to be!
Confidence: Mary Kay always said: “If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can’t, you’re right.” No stinkin’ thinkin’! Confidence is a muscle that you have to build daily . When I am faced with a challenge I have to remind myself that I CAN do hard things- it’s all about the positive self-talk! I post affirmations all around my house - literally every room! The more you see them, the more you will believe them!
deal with the Unexpected: Pivot! Our plans are not always God’s plan. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned about the unexpected, it’s that God’s plan is always better than mine- so have faith! Everything you do is in preparation for the next step on your journey. It’s ok to be sad, for a minute, like literally 60 seconds, if something unexpected pops up, but then move on! Action cures everything.
Simplify ( workload, life, etc...) : plan your time! If you don’t schedule it, you won’t do it. Plan out your weeks and include family time work time, personal time...and be specific! Also put it in a space where other important people that it will affect will see it- like the fridge- so there isn’t confusion or any surprises. And my favorite....delegate! Take some time to make a list of all of the things that you do between home life and work. Then circle the things you enjoy doing .. keep doing those. Delegate everything else that does not bring you joy! You might have to be creative but I promise you it’s worth it- you’ll have more energy and time because of it!
Great ideas and insight! Thank you Sarah- Elizabeth!